aoyama at



  1. Aoyama, Y. Gas accretion to circum-planetary disks from windy protoplanetary disks. Invited talk delivered at Circum Planetary Disks and Satellite Formation III (CPDSF III), Kyoto, Japan, January 2025
  2. Aoyama, Y. Planet-disk interaction and circum-planetary disk in windy disks. Invited talk delivered at SPiCE workshop, Sendai, Japan, March 2024
  3. Aoyama, Y. and X. Bai. Planet-disk interaction in windy disks. Contribution talk delivered at Exoplanets & Planet Formation Workshop, Beijing, China, December 2023.
  4. Aoyama, Y. and X. Bai. Type II planet-disk interaction and circumplanetary disk formation in windy protoplanetary disk. Contribution talk delivered at Athena++ Workshop, NewYork, USA, May 2023.
  5. Aoyama, Y. and X. Bai. Type II planet-disk interaction and circumplanetary disk formation in windy protoplanetary disk. Contribution talk delivered at 2023 International Conference of Deep Space Sciences, Hefei, China, April 2023
  6. Aoyama, Y., G.-D. Marleau, and J. Hashimoto. Hydrogen line emission from accreting planetary-mass objects. Poster delivered at Protostars and Protoplanets VII, Kyoto, Japan, April 2023
  7. Aoyama, Y. and X. Bai. Type II planet-disk interaction and circumplanetary disk formation in windy protoplanetary disks. Poster delivered at Protostars and Protoplanets VII, Kyoto, Japan, April 2023
  8. Aoyama, Y. and X. Bai. Type-II planet-disk interaction with a magnetized disk wind. Contribution talk delivered at Stars, planets, and Formosa, Taipei, Taiwan, August 2022
  9. Aoyama, Y. and M. Ikoma. Modeling of Hydrogen line emission from the accreting gas giant PDS70b. Contribution talk delivered at 2021 National Planetary Science Conference, Suzhou, China, June 2021
  10. Sekine, Y., S. Tan, Aoyama, Y., T. Tanigawa, and M. Ikoma. What makes the chemical diversity of ocean worlds in the Solar System? Invited talk delivered at Goldschmidt 2021, Lyon, France, July 2021
  11. S. Takasao, S., Aoyama, Y., M. Ikoma. Poster delivered at Circumplanetary Disks and Satellite Formation II Conference, Online, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, March 2021
  12. Aoyama, Y. and M. Ikoma. Theoretical modeling of spectral profile with 1D-radiation hydrodynamic simulation: constraining the accretion rate and mass of the protoplanets PDS70b and c. Poster, Spirit of Lyot 2019, Tokyo International Exchange Center, Plaza Heisei, Tokyo, Japan, October 2019
  13. Aoyama, Y. and M. Ikoma. Theoretical Modeling of Spectral Profile from the Two Protoplanets PDS70b and c. Contribution talk delivered at Planet2/RESCEU Symposium 2019, Bankoku Sinryokan, Okinawa, Japan, October 2019
  14. Marleau, G.-D., Aoyama, Y., R. Kuiper, M. Ikoma, and C. Mordasini. Warm-start planets from core accretion, and H α from accreting planets: Thermal and radiative properties of the accretion shock. Poster presentation delivered at Extreme Solar Systems 4 [ADS]
  15. Aoyama, Y., M. Ikoma, and T. Tanigawa. Theoretical Modeling of Hydrogen Line Emission from Accreting Star and Planet. Contribution talk delivered at Theoretical and Computational Challenges in Planet Formation Workshop, CCA, Flatiron Institute, NewYork, USA, May 2019.
  16. Aoyama, Y., M. Ikoma, and T. Tanigawa. Theoretical modeling of shock-heated gas around accreting gas giants: comparing with observed hydrogen lines. Invited speak delivered at Symposium on Planetary Sciences, Tohoku University, Miyagi, Japan, February 2019.
  17. Sekine, Y., S. Tan, Y. Aoyama, M. Ikoma. What makes the chemical dichotomy between Jupiter’s and Saturn’s satellites. Invited speak delivered at Symposium on Planetary Sciences, Tohoku University, Miyagi, Japan, February 2019.
  18. Aoyama, Y., M. Ikoma, and T. Tanigawa. Theoretical Model of Hydrogen Line Emission from Accreting Gas Giants. Poster presentation delivered at The ninth Moscow solar system symposium, Space research institute, Moscow, Russia, November 2018.
  19. Uyama, T., B. Norris, T. Kotani, O. Guyon, Y. Aoyama, M. Tamura, and SCExAO+VAMPIRES members. Search for Hα from Accreting Protoplanets with Subaru/SCExAO+VAMPIRES. Guildhall, Cambridge, United Kingdom, July 2018.
  20. Aoyama, Y., M. Ikoma, and T. Tanigawa. Theoretical estimate of Hydrogen line intensity emitted from accreting gas giants. Oral presentation delivered at the Circumplanetary Disks and Satellite Formation, Nagoya, Japan, March 2018.
  21. Aoyama, Y., M. Ikoma, and T. Tanigawa. Theoretical estimate of intensity of hydrogen line emission from accreting gas giants. Oral presentation delivered at the 10th RESCEU/Planet2 Symposium, Tokyo, November 2017.
  22. Shibata, S., Aoyama, Y., and M. Ikoma. Capture of solids in the late stage of gas giants formation. Oral presentation delivered at the 10th RESCEU/Planet2 Symposium, Tokyo, Japan, November 2017.
  23. Shibata, S., M. Ikoma, and Y. Aoyama. Effects of protoplanetary multiplicity and migration on late-stage accretion of solids onto gas giants. Oral presentation delivered at the JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017, Chiba, Japan, May 2017.
  24. Aoyama, Y., M. Ikoma, and T. Tanigawa. Hydrogen line emission from accreting gas giants. Oral presentation delivered at Planet 2 Symposium 2017: Origin and diversity of planetary systems from the microscope to the telescope, Villefranche, French, February 2017.
  25. Aoyama, Y., T. Tanigawa, and M. Ikoma. Theoretical estimate of intensity of hydrogen line emission from accreting gas giants. Oral presentation delivered at the Japan-Germany planet & disk workshop, Ishigaki, Japan, September 2016.
  26. Aoyama, Y., T. Tanigawa, and M. Ikoma. Theoretical Estimate of Intensity of Hydrogen Line Emission from Accreting Gas Giants: Interpretation of the observed Hα intensity from LkCa15b. Poster presentation delivered at the Exoplanet and Disks: Their Formation and Diversity III, Ishigaki, Japan, February 2016.
  27. Aoyama, Y., T. Tanigawa, and M. Ikoma. Intensity of Hydrogen Line Emission from Accreting Gas-Giant Planets. Poster presentation delivered at the Extreme Solar Systems III Meeting, Hawaii, USA, February 2015. [ADS]


  1. 青山雄彦, Xuening Bai, 磁気円盤風降着円盤における惑星周りの円盤ギャップ構造の形状の三次元磁気流体計算, 日本惑星科学会2022年秋季講演会(ザ・ヒロサワ・シティ会館, 2022.9)口頭
  2. 青山雄彦, 生駒大洋, 惑星由来の水素輝線放射のモデル化:「PDS70b,cの形成過程への制約」, 日本天文学会2020年秋季年会,(弘前大学, 2020.9)口頭
  3. 青山雄彦, 生駒大洋, Gabriel-Dominique Marleau, Christoph Mordasini,「巨大ガス惑星からの水素輝線放射の理論モデル: LkCa15b と PDS70b の観測との比較」, 日本地球惑星科学連合 2019年大会, (幕張メッセ, 2019.5)ポスター
  4. 関根康人, 青山雄彦, 生駒大洋, 谷川享行, 「なぜタイタンには大気があり、ガニメデにはないのか?―タイタンとガニメデの二分性の起源」, 日本地球惑星科学連合 2019年大会, (幕張メッセ, 2019.5)ポスター
  5. 関根 康人, 鎌田 俊一, 青山 雄彦, 生駒 大洋, 谷川 享行, 「Callisto as a keystone to reproduce the formation process of the Jovian system」, 日本地球惑星科学連合 2019年大会, (幕張メッセ, 2019.5)口頭
  6. 青山雄彦, 生駒大洋, 「原始惑星系円盤から恒星へのガス降着に伴う短波長放射の理論モデル開発」, 日本天文学会2018年秋季年会, (兵庫県立大学, 2018.9)ポスター
  7. 青山雄彦, 「降着衝撃波に伴う高温ガスからの放射過程について」, 2018年度惑星システム:惑星形成と系外惑星, (静岡, 2018.9) 口頭
  8. 青山雄彦, 生駒大洋, 谷川享行, 1 次元放射流体計算による集積期巨大ガス惑星からの水素輝線強度の推定, 惑星・衛星系研究会、(静岡, 2017.9)口頭
  9. 柴田翔,青山雄彦, 生駒大洋, 「複数惑星系と惑星移動の効果に着目したガス集積期の巨大ガス惑星 による固体物質の獲得」, 惑星・衛星系研究会、(静岡, 2017.9)口頭
  10. 柴田翔,青山雄彦,生駒大洋,「移動と他の惑星の存在が巨大ガス惑星の固体物質獲得量に与える影響」,2017年天文学会秋季年会,(北海道大学),2017.9
  11. 青山雄彦, 生駒大洋, 谷川享行, 1 次元放射流体計算による集積期巨大ガス惑星からの水素輝線強度の推定, 2017年天文学会秋季年会 (北海道, 2017.9) 口頭
  12. 青山雄彦, 生駒大洋, 谷川享行, 1次元放射流体計算による集積期巨大ガス惑星からの水素輝線強度の推定, 第5回衛星系研究会:冥王星系の起源 (東京, 2017.1) 口頭
  13. 柴田翔,生駒大洋,青山雄彦,「集積期の原始巨大ガス惑星からの水素輝線放射 LkCa15bへの示唆」,第5回衛星系研究会:冥王星系の起源,(東京工業大学),2017.1
  14. 青山雄彦, 谷川享行, 生駒大洋, 1次元放射流体計算による集積期原始巨大ガス惑星からの水素輝線強度の推定~巨大ガス惑星形成への観測からの示唆, 日本惑星科学会2016年秋季講演会 (岡山, 2016.9) 口頭
  15. 青山雄彦, 生駒大洋, 谷川享行, 1次元放射流体計算による集積期原始巨大ガス惑星からの水素輝線強度の推定~輝線吸収の影響, 日本天文学会2016年秋期年会 (愛媛, 2016.9) ポスター
  16. 青山雄彦, 谷川享行, 生駒大洋, 集積期の原始巨大ガス惑星からの水素輝線放射 LkCa15bへの示唆, 日本天文学会2016年春期年会 (東京, 2016.3) 口頭
  17. 青山雄彦, 谷川享行, 生駒大洋, 非平衡な化学進化および電子遷移を含む1次元 流体計算による集積中の巨大ガス惑星からの短波長放射の推定, 日本惑星科学会2015年度秋季講演会(東京, 2015.10)ポスター
  18. 青山雄彦, 谷川享行, 生駒大洋, 集積中の巨大ガス惑星からの短波長放射について, 日本地球惑星科学連合大会(千葉, 2015.5)口頭